Deadpool and Wolverine Movie Review

Let me give you an overview of my history with Deadpool. I have never seen a Deadpool movie before this, so a lot of the references to old characters flew over my head. For any hard core deadpool fans out there, I cannot compare this film to previous ones in the franchise, so instead this review is more based on my personal tastes than anything else. That being said, here is your minor spoiler warning, if you haven't watched the movie, go do that. It's definitely worth your time. Jumping right into it: Deadpool and Wolverine has got to be one of my favorite super hero movies of 2024. The entire run time is filled to the brim with amazing comedy, fun action, and a wonderfully committed performance from our leads Ryan Renolds and Hugh Jackman. Who slipped right into their trademark roles to offer a refreshing hit to marvel's steadily receding catalog of films.
It's got all the gore and fourth wall breaking you’d expect from a deadpool movie, but not from a disney movie. And I have to admit, I was surprised disney was willing to take this many hits from their own movie, a good 25% of this movie's jokes were at the expense of disney, it really did feel like this was a Ryan Renolds movie, rather than a Disney movie. And you know that's the magic of the character. Deadpool has such a fun persona, and seeing him find a way to lighten any dark situation is what makes this film pure enjoyment from beginning to end. For example, let's look at that amazing opening sequence, because GOD was it good! It is the perfect way to set the tone for the rest of the film, it is wonderfully visceral, with amazing action and a great introduction to Deadpool as a character.The opening credits song and Deadpool's dance moves are still seared into my brain months after I watched the film. I wouldn't have it any other way.
But I am going to have to cut back on the praise for a brief moment, and prepare for a HOT take. I've seen nothing but good things about this movie on the internet. I must say however, this movie is not perfect. I find the main character conflict to be shallow, Wade wanting to matter is an interesting prospect, but unfortunately this movie does suffer from something a lot of marvel movies nowadays fall for, and that's the tell rather than show mentality. I couldn’t tell you how many times Wade Wilson's dilemma is spelled out very blatantly for the viewer, and I personally prefer the protagonist’s journey to be a little more subtle and thought provoking. At the end of the day, however. This is a nitpick, and did not waver my enjoyment of the film because I came to the theater to see Deadpool. I expected gore, comedy, and entertainment. I didn’t expect thought provoking insight on the human experience. And I can say with full certainty that if you go to the theater with that mindset, you will love Deadpool and Wolverine. The two leads have a wonderful chemistry, and seeing a broken wolverine deal with the demons of his past was surprisingly heart warming.
The antagonist is alright, but I do have to say, I am sick of these over the top stakes that are impossible to visualize. I find that the most impactful movies have stakes that are very down to earth. They usually revolve around a couple of individuals that the protagonist cares deeply about, and while that is something that is touched upon in this deadpool movie, I find it leans a little too hard into the stakes of: “you must stop this person or every single reality across the multiverse is DOOMED”. People are numb to stakes like this because they are impossible to visualize or even empathize with. No one can relate with the fate of the universe on their shoulders, but when the conflict is targeted towards well written characters, the audience has something to latch on to. 9 times out of 10 a good character driven conflict is much more investing for the viewer. This movie just fails to reach that bar with Deadpool's shallow conflict and undeveloped cast of friends and loved ones.
But you know what? I don't care. This movie will deliver on all the aspects you come to the theater to see it for. It is funny, visceral, and lighthearted in all the best ways. It might not change you as a person, or have you thinking about it weeks after leaving the theater, but it is a fun movie, and there is still a great time to be had through that fact alone.